The charter
Akwaba Mousso
AKWABA MOUSSO Charter for the benevolent, confidential and free care of women victims of violence and their children
I, a person involved with Akwaba Mousso as a volunteer, employee, contributor or partner, service provider... supports the idea that :
– women and men are equal, and that women and children must be treated with dignity and respect.
respect ;
– women and children are particularly vulnerable and exposed to violence, and that they are not
guilty of the violence inflicted on them;
– violence has repercussions on the physical and mental health of the victims;
– people who have been assaulted may find it difficult to talk about it;
– my role with Akwaba Mousso’s beneficiaries is to inform and help them so that they can take action.
decisions that will give them more control over their lives;
– people who have suffered particularly violent assaults sometimes suffer from post-traumatic disordersdisorders (traumatic amnesia), and that just because they can’t remember an attack doesn’t mean it didn’t happen;
– people who have suffered gender-based violence have specific needs that deserve attention
on a case-by-case basis;
– women must be free to exercise their fundamental rights, including exercising control over their
fertility, to decide on their motherhood(s) and the number of children they decide to bear.
I therefore make the following commitments:
I therefore make the following commitments:
– to believe the beneficiaries of the program, to listen to them sympathetically, and never to blame them for the aggression they have suffered;
– never insist that a woman or child tell her traumatic story;
– to protect women and their children, never to pose a threat to them, never to ask of them
money or any other consideration;
– to consider women’s health as a whole, not just from a traumatic point of view;
– to explain each new stage of the collaboration to the women and children with whom I interact, and their
systematically seek their consent;
– comply with confidentiality requirements (in particular concerning image rights and personal data)
and the Akwaba Mousso program free of charge;
– to respect the will and autonomy of women, and to always consider them as persons with
their free will, even if it goes against my personal convictions, and never to try to influence them.
convince ;
– to provide quality care and advice, free from religious, cultural or other prejudices;
– to report any act or word constituting a breach of this charter;
– to recognize Akwaba Mousso as the owner of the information produced in the course of its activities;
– to respect this charter, and if I do not, to expose myself to sanctions and that my collaboration with
Akwaba Mousso be completed.